Mar 31, 2025  
2024 - 2025 Academic Undergraduate Catalog 
2024 - 2025 Academic Undergraduate Catalog

Academic Support Services


Located in the Smith-Pendergraft Campus Center, the UAFS Lions Bookstore stocks the required textbooks for all classes offered on the UAFS campus, as well as a variety of school supplies, computers, UAFS souvenirs, clothing, snacks, and miscellaneous items. The bookstore also offers a textbook rental program and a large selection of e-textbooks.

Students are entitled to a full refund on textbooks and unused access codes through the first week of class for any reason, with a valid receipt. Students are also entitled to a full refund on textbooks and unused access codes through the first 30 days of class if the class is dropped and the student presents a valid receipt and drop form. This 30 day return policy applies ONLY to the Fall and Spring semesters. See store for additional return information.

Book buyback is conducted year round in the bookstore. However, the best time to get the most money for books is at the end of every semester (finals week). When the bookstore is purchasing books for re-sale for the next semester, students can receive up to 50% cash back of purchase price. See store for additional details. Textbook and store information can also be found on the UAFS Lions Bookstore website.

Boreham Library

Boreham Library serves as a gathering place for students who want to study or meet with others in groups about class projects or other college-related matters. Individual study spaces and group study rooms are located throughout the building. Desktop computers are available to students. Each has a full complement of general academic software applications, statistical packages, and some software for the disabled.

The library seeks to provide students, faculty, and other members of the University community with their needs for information and cultural content (except textbooks). The library  offers over 67,000 books, over 251,000 electronic books, andnearly 5,000 bound periodicals. There are over 80 subscription electronic databases as well as access to over 55,000 electronic journals. In addition, there are more than 4,000 CDs and DVDs available for users. Special collections include the Pebley Center for Arkansas Historical and Cultural Materials and the Foundation Center Grants Collection.

One of the main goals of the library staff is to educate users by helping them acquire the information literacy skills which will enable them to find, use, and evaluate information in all formats. They offer both face-to-face and electronic research assistance in locating, using and properly citing information resources. For materials not in the library’s collection, efficient interlibrary loan service is available to students, faculty, and staff with little or no charge. Journal articles borrowed from other libraries can often be sent electronically to the borrowers. Students, faculty, and staff may check out books from the Fort Smith Public Library, the Scott County Regional Library, and, after obtaining a free ARKLink Statewide Library Card, from most academic libraries in the state.

The library’s 24-hour study zone provides both computer access and a place for study during times when the main portion of the library is closed. Students and other members of the university community may access the 24-hour zone by using their Lions ID cards.

Library policies/fines and hours of operation and can be found at the Boreham Library website.

Career Services/Babb Center for Student Professional Development

Career Services is dedicated to providing guidance and services to currently enrolled students and alumni. Services are free and include help in creating resumes and cover letters, practice job interviews, guidance in finding internships, and various events and workshops designed to prepare students to enter the workplace.

A detailed list of services and career development information can be found on the Career Services website.

Gordon Kelley Academic Success Center

The concern of UAFS for the individual student is reflected in the Gordon Kelley Academic Success Center (ASC), which provides programs designed to meet individual student needs not met through the general curriculum. Faculty supplemental materials, free tutoring for many UAFS courses through dropin tutoring, writing center, or for online tutoring, motivational programs, and learning programs are all provided to encourage student success. Time management, self-discipline, and motivational programs are provided for the student who wants to improve study skills and grades. Learning programs focus on specific strategies to understand, retain, and applynew information, as well as traditional study skills techniques. Learning programs are individually designed to meet student needs and are free to any University student.

An academic coach is available to meet and assist students to set academic goals and enhance academic success. Academic coaching sessions can be held face-to-face on campus or virtually through Blackboard online video chat. The academic coach works individually with students to help examine academic concerns and perceived barriers to success. This provides students with academic support in areas such as time management, self-discipline, procrastination, test preparation, note taking, balancing school/work/family, and other effective study strategies.

The ASC also provides reliable test administrative services while ensuring the highest ethical and professional testing standards in a secure and comfortable environment. Testing services include Accuplacer, CLEP and Challenge exams, online and make-up tests for UAFS courses, and some correspondence exams. Tests are scheduled by appointment. The Miller Analogies Test and PSB Health Occupations Aptitude exam are scheduled at various times during the school year. Please refer to the Tuition and Fees section for costs associated with all tests.

Registrar’s Office

The Registrar’s Office provides official student records and transcripts, processes graduation and registration forms, and provides student ID cards.

Enrollment Verification

Students can print enrollment verifications 24/7 by using My.UAFS. Verifications can be used for scholarship, student loans, or insurance purposes. The Registrar’s Office has authorized the National Student Clearinghouse to provide this service.

Changes In Student Information

It is the responsibility of all students to maintain their correct addresses, telephone number(s), and legal name and to report any changes in information promptly to the Registrar’s Office. Failure to do so may result in undeliverable registration notices, financial aid, invoices, invitations, and official correspondence.

The University considers information on file with the Registrar’s Office to be official. Forms for correcting student information are available from the Registrar’s Office. Legal documentation of a name change is required.

Transcript Information

Transcripts are sent electronically or via U.S. mail, and are issued only at the signed request of the student or appropriate institutions and officials. Requests for transcripts may be made on the transcript ordering page of the UAFS website or presented in person at the Registrar’s Office. Telephone requests are not accepted. Official transcripts will not be released if there are any outstanding financial obligations to the University.

Transcripts which have been presented for admission or evaluation of credit become the property of UAFS as a part of the student’s permanent record and are not reissued. Transcripts from other institutions must be obtained directly from the original issuing institution.

Lions ID Card

The Lions ID card is the official identification card of UAFS. It is issued to staff, faculty, currently enrolled UAFS students, and affiliates of the University. There is no charge for the first Lions ID card, but a fee will be charged for any subsequent replacement cards.

The Lions ID card provides admission to University sponsored social, cultural, athletic, and recreational events. The card also serves as the Boreham Library card, Fitness Center pass, security clearance for email log-on, and is necessary to print at all University computer labs. It is also required for any student who uses the counseling center, the dental hygiene clinic, or the Powell Student Health Clinic. At the cardholder’s option, the Lions ID card may also be used as a declining balance card to pay for various goods and services on campus and at participating off-campus vendors through the Lions Cash program. Contact the Registrar’s Office for terms and conditions.

Reserve Officer Training Corps

The Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) is an educational program designed to provide the college student an opportunity to earn a commission as a second lieutenant while completing the university requirements for a baccalaureate degree. The program provides leadership training that will develop the skills and attitudes vital to the professional military officer. Upon successful completion of the program and graduation from the university, ROTC cadets are commissioned as second lieutenants and enter either the active Army, Army Reserve, or Army National Guard. Qualified students can compete for scholarships and financial assistance. Students register for military studies classes through their advisor. For further program information, contact the UAFS Army ROTC Office at (479) 788-7525/Gymnasium room 119A, or visit the UAFS ROTC webpage and the U.S. Army ROTC webpage.

Students who are interested in pursuing a career as a commissioned officer in the United States Air Force should contact the UA Fayetteville Air Force ROTC office for further information. AFROTC students will complete all aerospace studies courses at UA Fayetteville while completing degree plans at UAFS. The UA Fayetteville Air Force ROTC office can be reached at (479) 575-3651. Students register for aerospace studies courses through their advisor

Student ADA Services

UAFS seeks to make every effort to offer equal educational opportunities for all students. To ensure a total university experience for students with disabilities, UAFS provides reasonable accommodations and services to students who have physical, emotional, and/or learning disabilities. The underlying philosophy of the program is to provide support, where possible, that will maximize each student’s opportunities for academic success.

Working in partnership with the student, the Student ADA Services coordinator will develop an individualized plan for services which may include academic advisement and accommodations in testing and instruction. A student with disabilities may present validation of the disability and request services by contacting the Student ADA Services coordinator at (479) 788-7577.

Registration with Student ADA Services is a separate process from the application for admission to the University. In order to be considered for accommodations, a student must first submit verification of the condition based on Student ADA Services’ guidelines and meet with the Student ADA Services coordinator to discuss accommodation requests.

UAFS is committed to a policy of ensuring that no otherwise qualified individual with a disability is excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or subjected to discrimination in University programs or activities due to his or her disability. The University is fully committed to complying with all requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504), and the ADA Amendments Act of 2008, and to providing equal educational opportunities to otherwise qualified students with disabilities. Any student who believes he or she has been subjected to discrimination on the basis of disability, or has been denied access or accommodations required by law, shall have the right to file a grievance. To obtain a copy of Services for Students with Disabilities brochure, which includes application information and the grievance procedure, contact the Student ADA Services Office at (479) 788-7794, or (479) 788-7577, or visit our website for a printout.

Student Support Services

Student Support Services (SSS) is a federally funded program designed to assist students in achieving their goal of a baccalaureate degree at UAFS. Funded to serve 140 students, SSS offers services such as individualized academic and career advising, tutoring and group study sessions, improvement of time management and study skills, financial and economic literacy training, and assistance in applying for graduate school. Students also have the opportunity to participate in learning communities in which students take classes and form study groups together. Participants commit to the program until they graduate from UAFS with a baccalaureate degree. The SSS offices are located on the second floor of Boreham Library, rooms 233- 237.

Upward Bound

Upward Bound Classic and Upward Bound Math/Science challenge students to develop the essential skills, study habits, discipline, and attitudes necessary for success in high school and college. The mission of Upward Bound Classic is to prepare and motivate high school students to pursue and complete a baccalaureate degree. Similarly, the mission of Upward Bound Math/Science is to help students recognize and develop their potential to excel in mathematics and science and to encourage them to pursue postsecondary degrees in mathematics and science. Each program serves 50 students in grades 9-12. Participants commit to the program until graduation from high school and participate in both an academic-year component and a summer-academy program.

UAFS Alumni Association

The UAFS Alumni Association maintains relationships between the University, its alumni, friends, and community through professional development for alumni and by inviting  community leaders and alumni to the campus to mentor and build relationships with students. It also hosts family-friendly events throughout the year for alumni with children. The Alumni Association develops services and programs consistent with the University’s educational aims and that addresses alumni’s interests and needs.

Current students may be involved by joining the Student Alumni Association (SAA), or by participating in the UAFS events listed in the Traditions Book. Students who complete 26 traditions during their time at UAFS will be given special cords to wear at commencement.

Veteran and Military Students

UAFS will treat veteran and military students with respect and dignity in all of its relationships. Administrative unit directors, along with the coordinator of veteran’s aid and benefits, will seek out information specific to this population to be sure the most recent knowledge on benefits, rights, credit transfer, and special exemptions for those called up or otherwise obligated militarily will be employed. Admissions and the Registrar’s Office will be knowledgeable concerning transfer of credits, campus veteran’s organizations, and both on and off-campus resources such as the UAFS Veteran’s Resource Center and the local VA Clinic. Admissions staff adheres to the National Association for College Admission Counseling guide to ethical practice in college admission which require transparency in information, marketing and presenting options. The guidelines also disallow financial benefits or bonuses being offered or renumerated to Admissions Advisors for meeting enrollment quotas. Advising will be well versed in both general academic programs and the adult degree completer programs. Policies governing students’ military obligations and the university’s academic and financial responses will be well-publicized. The UAFS Career Center will consider how to connect military and veteran students with promising career opportunities.