Mar 31, 2025  
Student/Code of Conduct, Housing & Residential Life, and Faculty & Staff Handbooks 
Student/Code of Conduct, Housing & Residential Life, and Faculty & Staff Handbooks

Mission and Vision


Through dynamic academic programs, innovative research opportunities, and transformational centers of intellectual and economic development, UAFS will advance its community and become an institution renowned for educating and inspiring the ambitious students who call it home.


UAFS empowers the social mobility of its students and the economic growth of the River Valley through exceptional educational opportunities and robust community partnerships.

Role and Scope

Founded in 1928, UAFS has grown in stature, role and scope over the years into a singularly distinctive institution. Organized and focused on teaching and learning, UAFS offers multifaceted academic and technical educational opportunities. The university provides these learning opportunities at times and places convenient to students and clients. Programs include single courses of instruction, certificates of proficiency, technical certificates, and associate, bachelor’s, and master’s degrees designed to meet a demonstrated demand of the region. In addition to certificate and degree programs, UAFS provides a wide range of customized, on-site education and training services - both pre- and post-employment - designed to meet the workforce education and retraining needs of business and service organizations.

UAFS provides a variety of public service activities for the people and organizations within its service area. Included are noncredit courses, seminars, workshops, lectures, travel, telecourses, and teleconferences organized by the Center for Business and Professional Development. UAFS makes campus facilities and resources available to community organizations and seeks to enrich quality of place in the community through sponsored cultural activities and events.


UAFS is committed to serving our students and community, guided by integrity and innovation, to deliver an outstanding education that is an exceptional value.

  • Students - Provide a supportive and inclusive learning environment that propels students to achieve success in their personal and professional lives.
  • Community - Serve and strengthen the River Valley by collaborating with industry and community partners to address the needs and challenges of the region.
  • Integrity - Demonstrate honest, transparent, and ethical behavior in all that we do.
  • Innovation - Embrace and encourage creativity, exploration, and new ways of thinking to develop novel solutions to complex problems.
  • Value - Prioritize excellence, efficiency, and continuous improvement so that students continue to receive premium and affordable educational opportunities.

Assessment of Student Learning

UAFS has clear expectations for student learning and is committed to continual assessment as the means to improving learning outcomes. Every academic program specifies educational objectives and outcomes that are measured to determine ways in which learning will be improved. Findings based on assessment objectives are used in curriculum improvement, planning and resource allocation. A faculty-led student learning committee coordinates assessment activities for the purpose of continuous improvement in learning.

General Education

UAFS’s goal for students is independent lifelong learning. The development and demonstration of the specific abilities in disciplinary and interdisciplinary contexts are means to that end. A strong and viable general education program is central to the university’s mission. Each degree requires demonstrated proficiency by students, and the level of proficiency gained is continually assessed in order to improve student learning.

Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Statement

UAFS provides equal employment, admission, and educational opportunities without regard to race, color, age, national origin, religion, disability, veteran’s status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. UAFS does not discriminate on the basis of disability in admission, access to, treatment, or employment in its programs and activities.

The university is committed to a policy of equal employment opportunity (EEO) and to a program of affirmative action. Any person who believes they have been discriminated against, or is aware of discrimination against another person, is encouraged to contact the director of Human Resources/EEO officer at 479-788-7839.

The director of Human Resources is responsible for the university’s compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The vice chancellor for student affairs is responsible for compliance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972.