Sep 12, 2024  
Student/Code of Conduct, Housing & Residential Life, and Faculty & Staff Handbooks 
Student/Code of Conduct, Housing & Residential Life, and Faculty & Staff Handbooks

Grievance Procedures Addendum

Grievance Procedures Addendum

UAFS is committed to providing an educational climate that is conducive to the personal and professional development of each individual. In order to ensure that commitment, the university has developed procedures for students to pursue grievances within the university community, should such action be necessary.

Grievance Procedure

Informal complaints may be filed, verbally or in writing, with offices across campus. The decision as to which procedure to utilize for a grievance shall be made solely by the university and shall be used on the fact pattern of each particular case. Each grievance shall be directed to a specific procedure and shall be accorded only one opportunity to be adjudicated unless the appeal body remands the grievance for further review. Due to their special nature, certain issues are handled by specially designated hearing bodies or offices, as outlined in the chart below.

Definition of a Grievance

A student grievance is a complaint about a concern, problem, or issue other than a disciplinary measure. (The appropriate response to a disciplinary measure which is deemed unfair or excessive is a Conduct Board appeal, not a grievance.) A student who has a disagreement or unresolved dissatisfaction with a faculty or staff member, another student, student group, or administrator (hereafter known as the respondent) has the right to file a grievance without prejudicing their status with the university. Grievances must be based on a claimed violation of a university rule, policy, or established practice. Any student who brings a grievance has the burden of proof and must provide documentation and evidence to support the allegation. Except in the case of final grade appeals or where specified by university policy, a grievance should normally be filed within 30 days of the incident or incidents. (Note: This process does not limit the university’s right to change rules, polices, or practices.)

Information in the following chart will outline student academic grievances and student non-academic grievances. The Office of the Dean of Students can assist individuals with questions regarding the grievance procedures.

Academic Dishonesty Undergraduate Catalog Academic Integrity Committee The student may appeal the finding of academic dishonesty, the penalty, or both, to the Dean of the College in which the course originates and the Academic Integrity Committee within seven (7) business days of notification. Appeal forms may be obtained through your academic advisor. Upon appeal the student will be allowed to remain in class until the appeal is adjudicated.
Academic Content/Record

Student Handbook

System Policy


Registrar’s Office

Wayne Womack, Registrar

System and university policies, as well as FERPA, establish the student’s right to request change, addition, or deletion of their student records if the material is inaccurate or misleading. Requests must be submitted in writing, including reason for appeal. Written notification of a decision is provided to the student. Records are maintained in the Registrar’s Office.
Academic Suspension/Enforced Withdrawal

Undergraduate Academic Catalogs

Graduate Academic Catalogs

Student Handbook

Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management

Dre McCaleb, Director of Academic Program Support

Undergraduate students on academic suspension/enforced withdrawal may appeal through the director of Academic Program Support. That appeal can either be denied or accepted. Appellants whose appeals are accepted are permitted to register under certain conditions. Those conditions are provided to the student in written form. A record of each appeal, accepted or denied, is kept in the vice chancellor’s office.

Graudate students can appeal program dismissal through their respective academic department and the Graduate Appeals Committee.

Admission Appeal - Undergraduate Undergraduate Catalog Director of Admissions The admissions appeal process is outlined in the decision letter which is sent to the student. We suggest the following: Applicant is encouraged to re-take the SAT and/or ACT entrance exam if they are applying as a high school student. Transfer students are encouraged to attend a community college to improve their transfer GPA. Students can submit an essay/personal statement and two letters of recommendation Letters should be from academic teachers/professors and address the applicant’s academic ability the committee will consider factors such as academic performance, socio-economic status, extracurricular involvements, and performance of high school/district or any other information that might be helpful.
Americans with Disabilities (ADA) Student ADA Services Office Coordinator of ADA Services
Vines 128
A student who feels they have been subject to discrimination in an academic program or university department based on disability may file a written grievance to the coordinator for ADA Services Office. A student’s complaint alleging discrimination should be filed within 10 business days of the action if the complaint is in connection with discipline and/or dismissal or within 90 calendar days of the most recent incident if it is unrelated to discipline and/or dismissal.
Athletics Student-Athlete Handbook


Katie Beineke, Senior Associate Athletic Director

Student-athletes who wish to address concerns/complaints about athletic policies and/or procedures should consult the Student-Athlete Handbook for process information. Athletics is also governed by the NCAA and the Lone Star Conference. UAFS abides by all applicable NCAA and conference policies.
Classroom Conduct/Management; Academic Policy Disputes; Eligibility for a Program  

Faculty and/or Department Chairs

Academic Deans

Grade appeals; ailure of a faculty member to follow university policies; failure of a faculty member to recognize properly authorized excuses or absences; capricious or unreasonable arbitrary actions by a faculty member; failure of a faculty member to honor a specific commitment to a student concerning completion of work; interpretation of academic policies affecting eligibility for academic programs, scholarships, degree plan advisement and/or academic decisions resulting in academic suspension or enrollment holds.
Disciplinary/Misconduct Action or Adverse Treatment by Fellow Students or University Employees Student Handbook

Office of the Dean of Students

Dr. Dave Stevens, Dean of Students

The Office of the Dean of Students helps resolve concerns, problems, or conflicts with regards to university policies, procedures, and decisions. The office provides a private and neutral place for students to express their concerns. Students work directly with staff members to identify steps that may be taken to achieve a timely and fair resolution to a problem. All student concerns will be acknowledged by appropriate UAFS employees within 10 business days of receiving a concern report form. Original request forms are retained in the Office of the Dean of Students. Code of Conduct definitions, procedures, and appeal processes are outlined in the Student Handbook. Students who receive disciplinary action as a result of the unacceptable actions/conduct may appeal the decision.
Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

Student Handbook


Registrar’s Office

Wayne Womack, Registrar

FERPA information may be found on page 43 of the student handbook. If you believe your rights under FERPA have been violated, please notify the university registrar immediately.
Financial Aid Financial Aid Website

Financial Aid Office

Karen Jeffers, Director of Financial Aid

Megan Smith, Assistant Director of Financial Aid

Students inquiring on their eligibility for financial aid obtain answers to questions through their financial aid counselor and/or the Financial Aid Office. Financial Aid representatives are available in the UAFS Smith-Pendergraft Campus Center. Students may make an appointment to speak with a financial aid officer.
Grade Grievances/Changes/Errors Student Handbook

Faculty member

Program Director/Department Chair

Academic Deans

This grievance allows students to seek resolution if they believe their final course grade to be unfair. Student appeals must be initiated in writing, and the first point of contact for the appeal is the instructor. All steps for the appeal of a final course grade are outlined on page 14 of the Student Handbook.
Graduation Requirements (Effective Catalog Rule)


Undergraduate Catalogs

Registrar’s Office

Wayne Womack, Registrar

A student entering the university must meet the degree requirements listed within their current catalog or those of a subsequent catalog. However, a student who fails to graduate within five (5) years after admission will be required to meet the degree requirements of a subsequent catalog that is within five (5) years of currency at the time of their graduation.
Pregnant and Parenting Student Concerns  

Dr. Lee Krehbiel, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs/Title IX Coordinator

Kathryn Janz, Deputy Title IX Coordinator

Complaints or requests for assistance by students who are pregnant and/or parenting should be directed to the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs for review and possible accommodations under Title IX.
Refund of Fees

Business Office Website

Business Services Appeal Information

Business Office

LeaAnn Slamons, Director of Accounts Receivable

Refunds from credit balances on student accounts are automatically refunded. No student action is necessary once refund information is established in My.UAFS. Students contesting refund percentages from drops or withdrawals are referred to the Registrar’s Office for appeal. Students contesting housing and/or meal plan charges are referred to Housing and Residential Life for appeal.
Residency Status Determination Residency Appeal

Registrar’s Office

Wayne Womack, Registrar

Appeals should be directed to the Registrar’s Office for review.
Sexual Harassment/Discrimination  

Dr. Lee Krehbiel, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs/Title IX Coordinator

Kathryn Janz, Deputy Title IX Coordinator

Complaints of sexual harassment or discrimination, including sexual assault, dating, or domestic violence or stalking (including discrimination and retaliation) should be directed to the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Title IX Coordinator.

Deputy Title IX Coordinators:
Mandy Keys, HR
Katie Beineke, Athletics
Kathryn Janz, Students

State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (NC-SARA)

Academic Catalog

Student Handbook

Dr. Shadow Robinson, Provost & Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs

SARA applies solely to distance education activity conducted across state lines.

Please note that students who wish to file a complaint relating to an online course or program offered by UAFS must first go through the UAFS procedures for resolution of grievances. If after exhausting the institutional process a student feels a complaint has not been adequately addressed, the student may file a complaint with the Arkansas Department of Higher Education (ADHE) by completing the student complaint form. Resolutions by ADHE are final.

Student Employment Grievance and Appeal   Mandy Keyes, Associate Director for Employee Services Complaints by any non-faculty employee, including any appeal of an adverse employment action, discipline, or dismissal. Complaints related to employment must be filed within seven (7) business days of the action that caused the complaint. Human resources will coordinate the investigation of employment related complaints.
Traffic/Parking Violations

University Parking Rules/Regulations

University Parking Map

Parking Appeals

University Police Department

Ray Ottman, Chief of Police

Office of the Dean of Students

Dr. Dave Stevens, Dean of Students

If a visitor, student, or staff or faculty member believes that the citation was issued in error, they have the right to appeal to the Traffic and Parking Appeals Committee. This appeal must be received in the University Police Office within five (5) days of receipt of the citation or billing notice (issued by the university). Late appeals shall not be considered, except for extenuating circumstances. Appeal forms are available online at The appellant shall be notified of the committee’s decision via email.
Transfer Credit Denial  

Registrar’s Office

Wayne Womack, Registrar

Contact the university registrar to discuss any transfer credit denial questions or concerns.
Complaint/Feedback Form: Unresolved dissatisfaction with a staff member, another student, student group, or administrator regarding a program, service, or activity Non-Academic Student Grievance Policy

Original Decision-Makers

Unit Supervisors

Director of Student Activities

Infringement upon the rights or sensibilities of an individual by a university employee, student, or student organization; interpretation or application of an administrative policy or procedure of the university; unresolved concerns about a university program, service, or activity may be sent via the Complaint/Feedback Form located on My.UAFS at