Jan 25, 2025  
2023 - 2024 Undergraduate Academic Catalog 
2023 - 2024 Undergraduate Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


UAFS Admission Policy

The admission process at UAFS seeks to identify prospective students who will be successful in collegiate academic programs. UAFS welcomes all inquiries regarding admission requirementsand the application process. The Admissions Office assists all prospective students with the process by providing information on admission requirements, placement testing, financial aid, scholarships, and degree programs.

The typical student population seeking admission to a university presents a wide range of aspirations, levels of motivation, and capabilities. Each student’s educational goal, previous academic experience, and placement test scores will  be evaluated and will serve as the basis for development of an individual educational plan. Some students seeking admission will be unprepared in certain subject areas and will require developmental coursework prior to attempting college-level work.

Based on the educational philosophy stated above, the following policy statements guide UAFS’s admission procedures:

  1. Students admitted must demonstrate satisfactory progress and the capability and capacity to complete college-level work.
  2. All admission material must be received by the published application deadline.
  3. No person shall ever be denied admission based on race, color, religion, gender, age, national origin, sexual orientation, veteran’s status, gender identity, or otherwise qualified students with a disability.
  4. Admission may be denied in those cases when a thorough evaluation process determines that a prospective student cannot achieve satisfactory work in college or developmental coursework.
  5. Admission to UAFS does not guarantee admission to a particular degree or certificate program.
  6. Falsifying any part of the application for admission can prevent a student from receiving federal financial aid and/or being admitted to UAFS.

UAFS admissions staff adheres to the National Association for College Admission Counseling guide to ethical practice in college admission which require transparency in information, marketing and presenting options. The guidelines also disallows financial benefits or bonuses being offered or renumerated to Admissions Advisors for meeting enrollment quotas.

Deferment Of Admissions

A student who is granted admission to UAFS is eligible to enroll for one academic year (defined as one spring semester, one fall semester, and one summer semester). A student may request to defer their admission by contacting the Admissions Office prior to the posted admissions deadline for their new entry term. Students will be required to submit official transcripts of any course work completed after the time of their application. An admission decision can be affected by any new or updated transcripts submitted.

Admissions Requirements and Procedures

First-Time Entering Students

In order to achieve automatic, full admission with no further review, prospective first-time entering freshmen applicants must have ONE of the following:

  • Cumulative high school GPA of 3.0 or higher.
  • High school graduation placement in the top 50 percent of the applicant’s graduating high school class.

Required minimum admissions standards for new, first-time entering freshmen require the following:

  • Cumulative high school GPA of 2.25 or higher.

Beginning freshmen must submit the following information to the Admissions Office prior to admission:

  1. A completed application for admission.
  2. An official transcript of high school grades, credits, and date of graduation, or GED scores. An official college transcript is required for all college courses completed while attending high school.
  3. Selective service: all male applicants aged 18 - 26 are required to be registered with, or exempt from, the Selective Service System in accordance with the Military Selective Service Act, 50 U.S.C App. 451 et seq., as specified in Act 228 of the 1997 Acts of the Arkansas General Assembly.

All students entering UAFS begin with Admissions. Additionally, some colleges may have specific admission requirements.

Unconditional and Conditional Enrollment

Students who graduate from high school or receive a GED must demonstrate placement requirements to be unconditionally accepted to the University. Additionally, Arkansas Code Annotated §6-60-208 requires students graduating from high school in 2002 or after to have completed successfully the core curriculum with a 2.00 (on a 4.00 scale) GPA for unconditional admission. The core curriculum from high school consists of:

  • Four units of English with emphasis on writing skills, not to include courses in oral communication, journalism, drama, or debate.
  • Three units of natural science with laboratories chosen from physical science, biology, chemistry, or physics. Only one unit may come from a life science.
  • Four units of math, including algebra I, algebra II, geometry, and a higher-level math.
  • Three units of social studies, including one of American history, one of world history, and at least one-half unit of civics or American government.

Students may be admitted conditionally if they meet the University’s minimum placement requirements. Conditional admission requires demonstration of satisfactory progress for continued enrollment. Students will be required to complete specific requirements for their degree and any required developmental coursework with a cumulative 2.0 GPA within the first 30 credit hours to move to unconditional status. If they do not meet the requirements, they will be placed on probation for conditional admissions status and monitored for their success.

Students who score between the minimal state levels in reading placement may be considered for admission under conditional prep status. Students admitted under this status will have certain conditions placed on their enrollment and will be required to complete specific requirements for their degree and any required developmental coursework with a  cumulative 2.0 GPA within the first 30 credit hours.

Transfer Students

Students who have previously attended other accredited colleges and universities may qualify for admission by submitting the following documents to the Admissions Office:

  1. A completed application for admission. Falsifying any part of the Application for Admission and/or failing to report previous college work can prevent a student from receiving federal financial aid and/or being admitted to the University.
  2. Proof of immunizations (see Immunization Record).
  3. Students who have fewer than 13 college credit hours are required to submit official high school transcripts or GED scores.
  4. College Transcripts:
    1. Students seeking a degree from UAFS must provide official transcripts from all colleges/universities attended (Paper transcripts must be sent directly to the Registrar’s Office by the issuing institution or submitted to the Registrar’s Office in an official, sealed, school envelope. Electronic transcripts must be transmitted from a secure site formally linked to the sending institution). Official transcripts must be received by the admission deadline prior to the beginning of the semester in which the student wishes to enroll. Once submitted, students should allow 10 business days for transcripts to be evaluated. Students will not receive an admissions decision until official transcripts have been received and evaluated. Any exception to this policy must be approved by the Admissions Office in coordination with the registrar. In those instances when an exception is approved, a Transcript Waiver form must be completed and a hold will be placed on a student’s account that prevents future enrollment and the release of official transcripts if all official transcripts are not received by June 1 (fall semester), February 1 (spring semester) or the Friday of the first week of each summer term. Students advised with in-progress, pre-, or corequisites must submit documentation of the final grade to the Registrar’s Office by the Friday of the first week of the semester, or the student may be withdrawn from the affected course. A hold will be placed on a student’s account that prevents enrollment and the release of official transcripts if the above deadline(s) is not met.
    2. Transient students (i.e., students actively enrolled in another institution who wish to enroll at UAFS for one semester) must provide an official transcript from the current institution they are attending and any official transcripts from other institutions demonstrating completion of required pre- or corequisites. Students advised with in-progress pre- or corequisites must show documentation of the final grade to the Registrar’s Office by the Friday of the first week of the semester, or the student may be withdrawn from the affected course. A hold will be placed on the student’s account that prevents future enrollment. Transient students who are enrolled and wish to enroll for the next consecutive term must apply as a transfer student and submit all required documentation for that application.
    3. International college and university transcripts must be evaluated by an academic credential evaluation service before courses can be articulated as transfer work. Students should be prepared to submit course syllabi and course descriptions as they will be required for transfer work to be articulated. Foreign language transcripts, evaluations, and course syllabi/descriptions must be submitted in English.

Students must have a 2.00 (on a 4.00 scale) cumulative GPA on all previous coursework to be eligible for admission to UAFS. Students whose cumulative GPA falls below a 2.0 will be denied admission and given the option to appeal. Transfer students academically suspended from their last institution will not be allowed to enroll at UAFS until they provide documentation indicating that they are eligible for re-enrollment at that institution.

Students must be in good financial and disciplinary standing with current or previous institution. Any transfer student who has been dismissed from a program for reasons other than failure to maintain satisfactory academic progress is not eligible for admission to the University for a period of five years from the date of dismissal, unless the student can  demonstrate eligibility to return to institution from which they were dismissed. After five years, admission may be considered.

Transfer students admitted to UAFS in good academic standing are subject to the same minimum academic standard requirements as continuing students. Transfer students admitted to UAFS on academic probation must earn a 2.0 GPA in the probation semester to continue enrollment at UAFS.

Acceptance of Transfer Credits

The amount of credit granted for transfer courses depends upon the nature and quality of the applicant’s previous work, evaluated according to the academic requirements for the University and the following provisions:

  1. Transfer credit will be officially evaluated after a completed Application for Admission and final official transcripts have been received. Official transcripts must include complete records of the courses taken and must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office. Institutions must be accredited by an appropriate regional accrediting agency in order to receive credit.
  2. Transfer credit will be evaluated according to Arkansas Course Transfer System (ACTS). ACTS contains information about the transferability of courses within Arkansas public colleges and universities. Students are guaranteed the transfer of applicable credits and the equitable treatment in the application of credits for the admissions and degree requirements. Course transferability is not guaranteed for courses listed in ACTS as “No Comparable Course.” Additionally, courses with a D may not transfer.
  3. Transfer credit is subject to a two-stage evaluation process. First, the Registrar’s Office will complete an initial evaluation of the transfer credit for the institution. Second, the Department responsible for the course will evaluate the transfer credits that will satisfy degree program requirements. Credits found to be eligible for general transfer may not always apply to a specific degree program.
  4. Grades earned at other institutions are not calculated in the student’s grade point average earned at the University. Colleges within the University will review grades for admission into specific programs. Grades earned at other institutions are used in the calculation of University graduation honors.
  5. When a course is taken at another institution and is repeated, whether at the other institution or UAFS, the highest grade is included for graduation purposes. In either case, the grade received at this institution is included in the student’s GPA.
  6. Transfer credit is awarded for courses in which a grade of C or higher has been earned. However, six hours in which a grade of D has been earned may be considered for transfer under the following circumstances: a student must appeal for an exception to the policy in writing to the Provost prior to the first term. A grade of D will not be accepted for any required general education course and many majors will not accept a grade of D for any coursework. A grade of D may be used for an elective course if the exception is granted. Credit will not be granted for remedial coursework.
  7. The State Minimum Core Act 98 of 1989 requires each institution of higher learning in Arkansas to identify a minimum core of general education courses that shall be fully transferable between state-supported institutions. The required 35 hours of credit will transfer and apply toward the degree.
  8. The maximum number of hours transferable to a baccalaureate degree is 68 semester hours of lower-level (1000-2000) coursework. The only exceptions are the bachelor of applied science and bachelor of science in organizational leadership; contact the department head of both programs for more information. The number of upper-division transferable coursework will vary by college and program.
  9. Transfer credit is posted at the level at which it is earned.
  10. The Roger Phillips Transfer Policy Act of 2009 provides for the seamless transfer of lower level credits for those students who have completed an associate of arts (AA), associate of arts in teaching (AAT), or associate of science (AS) at an Arkansas public institution of higher education and transfers to a baccalaureate degree program at a four-year institution. Accordingly, UAFS will accept into junior status any student who has completed an AA, AAT, or AS. Additional lowerlevel general education courses cannot be required for a transfer student with a completed AA, AS, or AT, unless the course(s) meets one of the following exceptions:
    1. The course(s) is required of the student’s major.
    2. The course(s) is a prerequisite for a course required of the student’s major.
    3. The course(s) is required by an accrediting and/or licensure body.
    4. The student earned a grade of D or F in the transfer course.

Returning Students

Students who have previously attended UAFS past the census day of any semester post-high school graduation are considered returning students. Students returning after a full academic year in absence must submit the following documents:

  1. A completed application for admission.
  2. Proof of immunizations(see Immunization Record).
  3. Official transcripts from all colleges/universities attended (sent directly to the Registrar’s Office or submitted in an official, sealed school envelope). Students who have not attended in the calendar year prior to the term of readmission may be required to submit official transcripts from all institutions attended.
  4. Students that do not have placement in reading, English and mathematics through previous coursework will be required to provide current ACT, SAT, Accuplacer or other approved placement scores. Any required placement testing must be completed prior to registration.

Concurrent/Dual Enrollment of High School Students

In accordance with Act 1097 of 1991, a student enrolled in a secondary school or who is home schooled, may enroll at UAFS if he or she has successfully completed the eighth grade and demonstrates an ability to benefit from college-level coursework. Admission requirements vary for UAFS concurrent enrollment programs. In general, prospective students must submit the documentation noted below; contact each program for specific requirements.

  1. A completed application for admission.
  2. A current high school transcript.
  3. A Participation Agreement form, submitted each term, signed by the student, his or her parents, and the school principal (or designee), stating that the student has approval to enroll. Students enrolling for summer terms do not have to obtain permission of the high school designee to take courses.
  4. ACT, SAT, Accuplacer, or other approved testing scores indicating placement into college-level courses. Policies and guidelines for the concurrent/dual admission program are available from the Admissions Office. Students must meet the requirements stated in the policies.
  5. Proof of immunization against measles, mumps, and rubella. Students may be admitted but may not enroll until proof of immunity is demonstrated. Immunity can be shown by providing a serological test confirming immunity or having received two doses of measles, two doses of rubella, and two doses of mumps vaccine (see Immunization Record).

Conditions for concurrent enrollment are as follows:

  1. Students may not enroll in developmental coursework.
  2. Students will not be eligible for federal, state, or institutional financial aid.
  3. Students attending UAFS under this policy must maintain a 2.00 (on a 4.00 scale) GPA each semester. Students failing to achieve the required GPA will be denied further enrollment until such time as they qualify under first-time entering admission requirements.
  4. High school students may enroll in a maximum of 12 hours each fall or spring semester; some high schools may limit enrollment of their respective students to less than 12 hours. Students wishing to take more than the maximum allowed hours must obtain the approval of the registrar (or designee) and their high school guidance counselor.
  5. Students who withdraw from high school or home school will not be allowed to reenroll in UAFS until they qualify under first-time entering admission requirements.

International Students

An international student is one whose citizenship is in another country and is applying for an I-20 from UAFS to obtain a student (F1) visa. International student applications, requests for information, and questions should be referred to the Office of International Relations at (479) 788-7977 or international@ uafs.edu. Admission decisions and immigration are separate. A student cannot be denied admission due to not meeting immigration requirements.

Admission requirements include:

  1. A completed International Student Application for Admission.
  2. Submission of official academic records:
    1. Secondary school transcripts indicating graduation. All academic records must be originals or certified copies in a sealed envelope from the institution. Copies must be certified (both signed with the seal/stamp affixed) by a school official. Notarized copies will not be accepted. Additionally, an official English translation must be provided.
    2. Official transcripts from all previous international and domestic colleges and universities attended, and course descriptions in English for each course intended for transfer. International transcripts must be evaluated on a course-by-course basis by an NACES accredited evaluation service. UAFS must receive the evaluation and course descriptions before the application deadline.
  3. Demonstrate English proficiency. This requirement may be waived for citizens of a country in which English is the language and the medium of everyday use. This fl uency may be proved by one of the following:
    1. Required TOEFL or IELTS scores. The minimum TOEFL score is 500 on the paper-based (PBT) or 61 on the internet-based (IBT). The minimum score for the IELTS is 5.5; all sections must have a score of 5.5 or above. Test scores for the TOEFL and IELTS are valid for two years after the test date.
    2. Passing two standard English composition courses at an accredited postsecondary institution in the United States with a grade of C or better.
    3. Graduation from an accredited high school in the United States.
    4. Other means of demonstrating English fluency, as approved by the Director of International Relations.

Immigration requirements:

  1. A completed Health Data form. This form must be signed and stamped by a licensed physician. Proof of immunization against measles, mumps, and rubella is required, to include two doses of rubella, two doses of measles, and two doses of mumps vaccine. Tuberculosis screening will be required for all incoming international students and will be  conducted upon arrival.
  2. Complete the Declaration and Confirmation of Financial Resources form and provide evidence that sufficient funds ($26,108) are available to meet University costs and personal living expenses. The federal government requires that a student must be prepared to finance his or her study and stay in the United States without help from the University. Each student must provide in English:
    1. A letter verifying assistance from the party providing the student’s financial support. This letter should state willingness to provide financial assistance for the student’s school and personal living expenses. The total USD amount required to cover these expenses should be stated in the letter.
    2. Certification from the sponsor’s bank on official bank letterhead stationery signed and stamped by a bank official and other supporting documents regarding the sponsor’s financial position to cover costs for one academic year of attendance. Proof guaranteeing the funds specified in the letter from the bank must accompany the bank’s letter, such as bank statement for checking, savings, certificates of deposit, mutual stock, or bond funds; and/or other accessible funds or account bearing the bank official’s original signature and the banking seal are required.
      Note: An international student should not plan to finance his or her educational program by income from employment. An international student is not permitted to work in the US unless permission has been first granted by the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
  3. A copy of the applicant’s passport biographical page. If the student is already in the United States we will require a copy of the biographical page, current I-94, I-20 and visa.
  4. All international students are required to obtain medical insurance before enrolling in classes at UAFS. This can be purchased through UAFS or a private insurance company. Insurance requirements according to the Affordable Care Act. Please contact the Office of International Relations for more details before purchasing insurance
  5. Complete the Declaration and Confirmation of Financial Resources Form and provide evidence that sufficient funds are available to meet University costs and personal living expenses. UAFS requires that a student must be prepared to finance his or her stay in the United States without help from the University.

In order to come to the United States for study, a student must obtain a passport from his or her government and a visa from the United States Embassy. There is also a I-901 fee that must be paid. Care must be taken to observe all regulations of the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, including the requirement that the student must be enrolled full time (12 or more credit hours, only three of which may be completed through distance learning).

Please contact the Office of International Relations if transferring from another institution in the United States.

Non-Degree Seeking Students

This category is for students who are taking credits for personal enrichment. Students in this category are not eligible for financial aid.

Post-baccalaureate non-degree seeking students are students who have completed a baccalaureate or equivalent degree or higher from a regionally accredited institution and would like to continue taking courses for personal or professional enrichment. These students will be admitted unconditionally upon receipt of official transcripts.

Students are required to have placement in reading, English, and mathematics through ACT, SAT, Accuplacer, other approved testing scores, or previous coursework. Students who do not meet the minimum required placement score in reading, English or mathematics will be admitted as a non-degree seeking student. Non-degree seeking students are not eligible for federal or state financial aid and are limited to a maximum of 15 credit hours. Non-degree seeking students should meet with an advisor in the ROAR Advising Center to discuss other requirements, possible eligibility for certificates, and further testing options.

Sixty-Plus Tuition Waiver

Arkansas residents who are 60 years old or over are eligible for the Sixty-Plus Tuition Waiver; eligible students must complete the Sixty-Plus Tuition Waiver form each semester. The waiver covers per-credit-hour tuition and fee charges, but the student will still be responsible for fees charged on a per-semester basis. Eligible students who are non-degree seeking or taking courses for personal enrichment must complete an application for admission and provide documentation of their age.

Students who are 60 or over and wish to pursue a degree are eligible for the Sixty-Plus Tuition Waiver, but are required to meet the full University requirements for admission.

Qualifying students who wish to receive the Sixty-Plus Tuition Waiver must wait to enroll in any credit course until two days prior to the beginning of the semester and submit the completed Sixty-Plus Tuition Waiver form to the Financial Aid office at the time of registration. Students who choose to enroll in a course before that date or audit a course(s) are required to pay the full amount of tuition and fees.

Immunization Record

The Arkansas Department of Health (ADH) pursuant to Act 141 of 1987 requires all full-time students and students housed on campus to provide the University with proof of immunization against measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR). Proof of immunization, immunity, a medical or non-medical exemption, or birth before 1957, must be provided before being enrolled in courses. The following are acceptable proof: immunization record from another educational institution, a licensed medical doctor, or an authorized public health representative, or military service showing the dates MMR shots were given.

In lieu of receiving vaccine, immunity may be shown by providing documented evidence of appropriate serological testing which must be submitted by the student to the Arkansas Department of Health, Immunization Section, 4815 W. Markham, Mail Slot 48, Little Rock, AR 72205. The ADH will send a letter to the student advising if immunity has been granted and it is the student’s responsibility to bring the letter to the Registrar’s Office.

Proof of immunization may be waived only upon receipt by the Registrar’s Office of an authorized exemption from the ADH for medical, religious, or philosophical reasons. Exemption forms can be requested by emailing the ADH at immunization.section@arkansas.gov. These forms must be completed, notarized, and mailed to the ADH at 4815 W. Markham, Mail Slot 48, Little Rock, AR 72205. If approved, the ADH will then send a letter confirming exemption and term to the student. It is the student’s responsibility to bring this letter to the Registrar’s Office. This exemption must be renewed annually.

Proof of a birth date prior to January 1, 1957, will be accepted in lieu of receiving vaccine. Students must provide a copy of birth certificate, current driver’s license, or other state or federal issued ID showing their date of birth to the Registrar’s Office. A hold will be placed on a student’s record until the required documents are received.

Immunization records presented for admission become part of the student’s permanent record and the property of UAFS and are not reissued.

Act 1233 of 1999 requires colleges and universities to inform students of the increased risk of meningococcal disease (commonly called meningitis) for those who live in close quarters. UAFS recommends that all students living in residence housing receive a meningitis vaccine. Students should contact their health care provider for information on this vaccine.

Appeal of Admission Decision

If a student is denied admission or would like to appeal the acceptance type, and feels he or she has additional information to share in the evaluation process, the student may submit an admissions appeal request via email along with updated materials via their Application Status Portal. All required materials must be submitted one week before the admissions deadline for that entry term. The committee will review the merits of the situation and make a determination on whether to grant the admissions appeal.

Any student who has been previously dismissed from a program offered by the University for reasons other than failure to maintain satisfactory academic progress is not eligible for readmission to the University for a period of five years from  the date of dismissal. The Registrar’s Office must be notified of the dismissal in writing and the dismissal noted in the student’s academic record. After five years, readmission may be considered based upon criteria deemed appropriate by the University.

Placement Policy and Test Scores

In accordance with Arkansas Code Annotated §6-61-110, first-time entering students will be placed into reading, writing, and mathematics courses according to placement scores. ACT, SAT, or Accuplacer scores must be submitted before being enrolled in courses. Reading placement may be determined by the successful completion of a reading intensive course. Non-letter grades, such as CR (credit) and P (passing), may be used for placement in all areas of developmental coursework. The purpose of the placement test is to identify existing skills and knowledge, thereby placing students in courses in which they may reasonably expect to achieve academic success. Students may be required to test, depending on specific circumstances, as determined by an advisor.

The primary methods of assessment are the ACT, SAT, or the Accuplacer. Students may be required to take additional testing. Test scores must be current (completed five years prior to the beginning of the term student will enter). When more than one score is available, the highest score will take precedence. A minimum score must be obtained before a student may be considered a degree-seeking student.

UAFS adheres to the guidelines established by the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, section 504. This act states that an institution must make reasonable accommodations for otherwise qualified students with a disability. Students are asked to make their disability known prior to the testing date so that the appropriate provision can be made.

Pathways for Underprepared Students

UAFS provides mathematics and English pathways to and through gateway courses using a co-requisite model of support for underprepared students. Any students testing below college-level in English or mathematics takes the college-level English and mathematics course required for their major with an added one- or two-hour support course. 

Citizenship And Legal Residency

Students who do not have United States citizenship, legal residency, or an appropriate visa will be charged out-of-state tuition. Students who are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents are not eligible for federal or state financial aid.

Under Arkansas Code Ann. § 6-60-215, UAFS may classify non U.S. citizens as in-state for the purposes of tuition and  fees who provide documentation to satisfy the requirements of 1, 2, or 3; and A and B below:

  1. Student has immigrated from the Republic of the Marshall Islands and has verified legal presence in the State of Arkansas.
  2. Student or parent holds a Federal Form I-766 United States Citizenship and Immigration Services issued Employment Authorization Document, known as a work permit.
  3. Student has requested and been approved for an exemption under Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. Exemption must be current.

If the student is able to provide proper documentation to establish he/she meets one of the above requirements, the students must also provide documentation to satisfy the requirements of both 4 and 5 listed below.

  1. Student must be a graduate of an Arkansas public or private high school or must have earned an Arkansas high school equivalency.
  2. Student must have resided in the State of Arkansas for at least three years at the time of application for admission.

Arkansas Course Transfer System (Acts)

The Arkansas Course Transfer System (ACTS) contains information about the transferability of courses within Arkansas public colleges and universities. Students are guaranteed the transfer of applicable credits and the equitable treatment in the application of credits for the admissions and degree requirements. Course transferability is not guaranteed for courses listed in ACTS as “No Comparable Course.” Additionally, courses with a D frequently do not transfer and institutional policies may vary. ACTS may be accessed on the internet by going to the ADHE website and selecting Course Transfer.

Felony Review

Students who have been convicted of a Clery Act felony, convicted of a violent felony in the last three years, or have pending felony charges, will be required to go through a felony review as part of the admissions process. These students may be required to submit documentation in addition to the admissions materials. This process results in admission in most cases.

Student Success Rates

UAFS is committed to full compliance with the regulations cited in the Student Right to Know Act. Information regarding graduation rates and transfer-out rates are available in the Institutional Effectiveness office in the Fullerton Administration Building.